Innovative concepts for sustainable energy in the 21st Century
The Ultimate Green Energy Solution
The Hydro Cycler by Hydrogravix operates as a virtually closed-loop energy system, generating two electrical outputs by continuously cycling water and hydrogen conversions. While the system functions as a closed-loop in terms of power and water feedstock utilization, it physically consists of three interconnected open-loop processes. These three sequential open-loop stages feed into one another in a steady-state cycle, ensuring continuous operation.
A one-minute animation (no audio) shows how the Hydro Cyler (also known as the Parallel Mass Transfer Electric Power Generator) converts distilled water into hydrogen through electrolysis and recombines hydrogen and oxygen from air in the fuel cell unit to generate electricity and recovered water which is channeled to a hydroelectric unit to produce a secondary electrical output. The two electrical outputs are combined to allow the system to self-cycle and produce a net electrical output. NOTE: The two percentage rates of 99.9% refer to 1) purity of hydrogen produced by the electrolysis unit and 2) water recovery, including condensation effects, not efficiency rates of the electrolysis or fuel cell units.
After the first steady state cycle is completed, electricity and water from the outside are no longer necessary.
How is this possible?
The Hydro Cycler is able to harvest:
1) fuel cell electrical output and water byproduct, and
2) hydroelectric potential equivalent to that derived from nature to harvest electricity and water feedstock for electrolysis.
By combining fuel cell electrical output and water byproduct with hydroelectric output using gravity as the "outside" energy source, the system generates sufficient electric power to maintain the electrolysis function thus achieving a self-sustaining cycle while producing a net output of electricity.
WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) publication on September 9, 2022.
The Parallel Mass Transfer Electric Power Generator was issued a patent by the USPTO on April 30, 2024.
Patent No. (US11973208B1)
The Hydro Cycler is the world's first self-cycling energy system due to its ability to restore energy and mass (electricity and water) balance within the system after start-up and ignition.
2021 - 2025 Hydrogravix
An AI-generated video of the Hydro Cycler. After initital startup, the system generates a net output of electricity for virtually unlimited industrial, agricultural, transportation, civil and residential applications. Energy, cooling water and infrastructure for data centers is another application.
2021 - 2025 Hydrogravix 2025 Jon Scott Harp